By Betsy Natter


Are you looking to try some outdoor activities that go beyond backyard ring toss?
Montgomery County has lots of courts and courses where you can try your hand at some not so common sports. Grab a partner or the whole gang and try one of these outdoor recreational spots.

3c811d53-d8a5-4d80-bcf3-b19fe305a87fMennonite Heritage CenterCroquet 
565 Yoder Rd., Harleysville, PA 19438

Spend a Sunday afternoon on the lawn playing croquet at the Mennonite Heritage Center in Harleysville. Croquet is a lawn game dating back to the mid-1800s. Players hit their colorful balls with a long-handled mallet, driving them through wire wickets placedalong the course. First one through wins! Game play is free and no reservations are needed. Center croquet leaders Dan Lapp and Harold Wambold are available to get you playing on the grounds from 2-4 pm.

Within 25 miles of NorristownDisc (Frisbee) golf

If you can throw a Frisbee you can play disc golf. A great way for everyone to exercise, players navigate the course by throwing a Frisbee into a stationary chain basket target. Courses vary in length from 9 to 18 holes while the terrain includes open fields and wooded areas. Montgomery County has over 15 disc golf courses within 25 miles of Norristown, so bring a Frisbee and navigate the course of your choosing. Check out the links below for a course near you.

Plains Park Disc Golf
Local Disc Golf Courses

Samuel Carpenter ParkPickleball
1000 Horsham Road, Horsham, PA 19044

You may not have ever heard of pickleball, but it definitely doesn’t involve a jarred cucumber! Played on a badminton-sized court, with a more durable form of whiffle ball and a squatter, smooth paddle, pickleball is gaining in popularity all over the area. The game was created in 1965 by a three friends as a family style game. Pickles, the family dog, used to chase the loose balls and hide in the bushes and the soon the game became known as Pickleball. Rules and a game overview are summarized on the USAPA website, Meetups are set times where players gather to meet people, learn the game and play. Equipment rentals are available or bring your own. Check here for Meetup times in Horsham, usually Wednesdays or Thursdays at 8 am or Sundays at 7 pm.


Green Valley Country ClubPickleball
201 W. Ridge Pike, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444

Looking to play but don’t like the heat. At Green Valley CC, Pickleball games are played indoors on air-conditioned courts. Cost is $8.00 per person including court time and equipment. Locker rooms and showers are also available. Click here for meetup times.

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