Come out to Waterworks Park in Collegeville on Friday June 21st and Saturday June 22nd. There will be vendors, food, a pet show, childrens activities and a concert from acclaimed country singer/songwriter Billy Patrick ($10 a ticket) on Friday. Then the fun continues on Saturday with a helicpoter fly in, tehtered hot air balloon rides, mud wrestling, pie eating contest, baking contest, a concert from Kendal Conrad, Bigg Dutts BBQ, childrens activities, antique cars, tractors and more!

Keystone Grainge fair

Friday, June 21st
On Fridaybring and enter your pet in the PET Contest, then enjoy an invigorating and fresh live concert with acclaimed country music singer/songwriter, Billy Patrick at 6:00 pm at Waterworks Park in Trappe, PA. Big Dutt’s of Collegeville will be on hand with their awesome BBQ, and Firedancers will dazzle! Fun for the whole family! Advance ticket sales are $10.00 and available through

Saturday, June 22nd

On Saturday see historical re-enactors, cruise-in antique cars and tractors, local crafters, area vendors, local businesses and organizations, live entertainment, games for kids and adults, petting zoo, food and much more! Click here for a list of vendors at the fair.

Check out the Keystone Grange Fair website for more Information: Keystone Grange Fair

New for 2013 – Helicopter grounding, tethered hot air ballon rides, pie eating contest, Baking Contest, Firedancers, and Mud Wrestling! Get the Mud Wrestling flyer, and sign up today!

*Get the fair flyer here: GRANGE FAIR FLYER 2013 

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