From the tiny, pale egg to the vibrant wings of the adult, Winged Wonders Education brings to life the metamorphosis of the Monarch butterfly with live specimens, mini-lessons, children’s literature, and activities that inspire wonder and tap into children’s natural curiosity about the world of butterflies.

Butterfly enthusiast and former Friends School Haverford teacher, Ann Ward, offers this unique butterfly program that teaches children about Monarch migration and the wonders of the outdoors. Children will have the opportunity to visit the butterfly house and discover how it feels to hold and feed a Monarch Butterfly, tag butterflies with tiny, numbered stickers (tags) through the University of Kansas Monarch Watch program and release them so they can make their 2,000 mile winter journey to Mexico.

And new to our program this year are The Hardworking Honeybees. Beekeeper Eli St. Amour gives children an up close look at honeycombs and how honey is extracted while discussing the role of bees in the hive and how the flowers and plants near a hive can flavor the honey. A honey extraction demonstration (no live bees will be present), pollination simulation station and large hive build are just some of the ways children will learn about the important role honeybees play in keeping our food crops alive.

Creative art projects, face painting, and a special snack will also be offered during this educational afternoon program. This event is not to be missed! We hope to see you there!

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