Do you look at your phone before you even get out of bed in the morning? Is your day incomplete without reading your online news, gossip and posts from 200 of your closest “friends” on Facebook? Do you reach for your phone whenever you have a few minutes of free time? If that sounds like you, you’re not alone. Today, Friday, March 1 through tomorrow, Saturday, March 2 has been deemed National Day of Unplugging. It’s a day dedicated to disconnecting from technology to reconnect to the world around you.

Are you up for the challenge? According to the National Day of Unplugging website, the “event” goes from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. But you can participate in any way and whenever you choose. Grab a few coworkers to eat lunch together instead of scrolling Instagram while you eat at your desk. Pick up a book instead of watching TV while you drink your morning coffee.

If your Friday nights usually consist of ordering pizza and zoning out while watching Netflix, you could make a deal with your spouse that you’ll try a new dinner recipe that you make together. Or, use it as an excuse to go out! (The hard part will be resisting the temptation to post pics.) Find a mask (or make one yourself) and head over to Montella’s Pub in Lansdale for their Mardi Gras Party.

For many of us, getting the kids on board could be the most difficult. This is a great time to revisit some of the Christmas presents they may have forgotten about already, try a new craft, build forts, or make some popcorn and get out the boardgames. If all else fails, collect electronic devices when they get home from school and get out of the house. DCP Theatre in Telford is putting on “Sherlock Holmes: The Baker Street Irregulars” Friday through Sunday. And Smoke & Mirrors Magic Theatre in Huntingdon Valley has a family magic show on Saturday afternoon. Get details for both events here.

Whether you make it the entire 24 hours, or you just make a few changes in your daily routine, “unplugging” is about unwinding, relaxing, reflecting and connecting. 

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