Join the Rotary Club once again on Collegeville’s Main Street for this great event!  There is no need to register for costume judging or the parade – just bring your costumed children (and/or pet), and meet in the parking lot behind the AmeriGreen Gas Station and Chow Bistro (454 E. Main) at 6 pm.  This year the Rotary is expanding the Halloween dress up contest beyond dogs to all pets.  Judging is from 6 to 6:25 p.m. in the parking lot.  The parade begins its walk down Main St. at 6:30 p.m.

Ursinus College is providing free parking in the Corson Hall lot for parade goers.  New this year is that the student activities board will also provide crafts and activities for young children prior to the parade from 5 p.m. on on the front lawn of the Berman Art Museum.

The parade has expanded this year to include the PVHS marching band and PVHS cheerleaders.  The Keystone Grange is parading antique tractors.  The Collegeville and Trappe Fire Companies and ambulances will finish the parade. For the finale, Mrs. Claus arrives in a Collegeville Fire Company fire engine.

For those preferring to just watch, bring a chair and pick a spot along Collegeville’s Main St. from Chow Bistro to My Friend’s Tavern.

For those hungry after the parade,  Keyser Miller Ford,  a proud member of our community since 1956, invites all parade watchers  and participants to stop down at their offices  after the parade for free hot dogs, apple cider and treats.  They look forward to seeing everyone after the parade at 8 Main St., www.keystermillerford. com.


In the event of rain, the Halloween Parade will be held on Thursday, Oct. 26th.  For more information, contact Rotarian Karen McCaslin at (610) 547-1386. 

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