After serving our local community for 29 years, the Flourtown Farmers Market has officially moved! Much to the delight of our local community, the Market has been relocated into a newly renovated historic building now known as, “The Springfield” 1800 Bethelehem Pike, formerly known as Sorella Rose. After learning that CVS would be expanding their store, the residents of Springfield Township were devastated to learn that the community staple would be pushed out of its original location. Through what can only be described as an incredible show of support from local residents, the Flourtown Farmers Market has not only been saved, but looks to be better than ever in its brand new home.


One of the residents who helped fund the relocation, construction and preservation of the new and improved Market was Brian Halligan. Born and raised in Springfield township, and proud owner of the Flourtown Country Club, Brian stepped in to help save the very Market he grew up loving as a kid. By moving the Market into the newly renovated Springfield Hotel, Brian has successfully preserved the history and traditions of two long standing neighborhood establishments. He has brought new life into a farm fresh, locally supported market that our local residents can now enjoy for another 30 years, and more!
From the farm to your plate! Staying true to their identity, the Flourtown Farmers Market at The Springfield will offer an amazing collection of locally grown fruits and vegetables, homemade dishes and meats supplied from local butchers. Proudly standing behind the wide variety of food will be all the familiar faces and families that make the Market exactly what it is, a collection of local small businesses who believe in bringing you the best of what our local area has to offer. Click here to see a list of participating vendors! Thanks to the love for his community and the small businesses who help it thrive, Brian has helped revitalize the Flourtown area. Brian would like to personally thank all of those who helped make this dream a reality. From the vendors to the construction crews, his family friends and everyone in between, the success of the Market would not have been possible without our communities passion for everything local.

The Flourtown Farmers Market will have their soft opening on September 3rd, with their GRAND OPENING on September 10th. The Market is located on the First Floor of The Springfield. On the second floor, Brian’s company MEH Investments has transformed the space into separate apartments which are now available for rent! Check below to see more pictures of the Market and rooms now available at The Springfield.

Flourtwon Farmers Market
1800 Bethlehem Pike
Flourtown, PA 19031
Follow On FB: Flourtown Farmers Marketffm logo

Market Hours
Thursday: 8am-6pm
Friday: 8am-7pm
Saturday: 8am-5pm

The Flourtown Farmers Market & Apartments at The Springfield



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