Happening List

The most HAPPENING businessespeopleplacesgroupscharities in Montgomery County

The 2023 Happening List® – Montco’s biggest people’s choice competition is back!
This is time that the readers of Montco Happening take to recognize the amazing people, organizations, events & businesses that make living in Montgomery County special.

Nominations in the annual Happening List® competition in Montgomery County officially opened on January 4, 2021. Nominate your favorite local people, places, and businesses here. You can make nominations up until February 18th. On February 18th, voting “goes blind” and nominations close.

Voting kicks off on January 18, 2022 and continues through February 28, 2022.

Take me to the Happening List

Dates to Remember:

  1. JANUARY 2, 2023 – Nominations Open
  2. JANUARY 17, 2023 – Voting Opens
  3. FEBRUARY 17, 2023 – Ballots Go Blind
  4. FEBRUARY 28th – Ballots Close @ midnight

Visit https://montco.happeningmag.com/happeninglist to cast your vote for all your local favorites. (One vote per email, per category. To read more about the voting process and how results are tallied, visit our FAQs.)

Happenings Media will announce the results in Spring 2023!

We’re thrilled to celebrate another year of Montco’s favorite people, organizations, events, and businesses.

Happy Voting and Good Luck! 


We Are Supported By:

BWPScientistsAP24 ROG Orthodontics- AccessPass

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