Montco’s Biggest Bash is Back!

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Mark your calendar:  Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018.  The Flourtown Country Club. Hundreds of locals will walk the red carpet, chat with Montco Happening TV, and party the night away in honor of the amazing Montgomery County community.

Tens of thousands of locals vote to name the most happening people, places, events, and businesses in Montco.

The evening will honor the 2018 Montco Happening List winners, finalists, and nominees.   We are returning to celebrate at Flourtown Country Club, which features floor to ceiling windows which lead to a large veranda overlooking the well award-winning golf course, fountain & facilities.

At 7pm, guests will walk the red carpet and be treated to some of Montgomery County’s best food, entertainment, and much more.  A variety of beverages will be available for purchase at a cash bar.

VIP ticket holders are invited to arrive earlier at 6pm to get a jump-start on the night and attend toast with a glass of champagne.

Stay tuned for more excited details about the evening as we near the event.

This Bash has sold out every year so don’t delay. There are over 300 categories in the Happening List so attendance is offered on a first come, first serve basis. General Admission, VIP, and Sponsorships are on now on sale.


Massage, Wellness & Beyond // Children’s Music Express

Interested in becoming a sponsor?  Basic sponsorships available below.  For premium opportunities, click here.



We Are Supported By:

BWPScientistsAP24 ROG Orthodontics- AccessPass

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