We’re back with another week of things to do with your kids at home. This week includes fun themes like National Tell A Story Day, International Astronomy Day and Mother’s Day prep. Do a few, do them all. Let them inspire ideas that work for your children’s ages and interests. And be sure to check out some additional ideas and helpful links with fun activities and educational websites at the end.

Monday, April 27:

It’s National Tell A Story Day! Reading books together is an easy way to celebrate the day, but getting the kids involved in the story telling is even better! Encourage older siblings to read to the younger ones. Schedule a virtual storytime with a friend or relative. Do some Mad Libs. (Just Google free printable Mad Libs.) Make up your own stories together! If your child is a natural storyteller, just let them lead the conversation. If they need a little prompting, ask them to tell a story about your family, a favorite toy or character. If you want to remember your stories, make them into books.

Here are a few links for inspiration:

15 Writing Prompts for Kids

50 Free Kindergarten Writing Prompts

Storytelling Prompts in a Jar

Storytelling Activity for Kids

10 Super Fun Ideas for Making Books with Kids

Tuesday, April 28:

Today is International Astronomy Day! Start the day by reading any books you have about stars and space, or doing a little research on the computer. Print out pictures of constellations (there are some links below), and then use rocks and sidewalk chalk to make constellations on the sidewalk or in your driveway.

Here are some links for more fun things to do:

Toilet Paper Roll Rocket

Marshmallow Constellations

Free Constellations Mini Book

Constellation Cards – Print, Pike Holes, Shine Light!

Paper Tube Telescope Craft with Printable Star Cards

DIY Sparkly Galaxy Playdough

Wednesday, April 29:

It’s International Dance Day! Crank up your favorite music, and have a dance party! If you need some more direction, here’s a link to 10 Dance Games You Can Play at Home.

Thursday, April 30:

With all the rain we’ve been having lately, we might as well dedicate a whole day to it! Watch this episode of Peppa Pig jumping in muddle puddles, then throw on your rain boots and go have some fun.

Do a science experiment like the one linked here to learn about how rain clouds work. Or you could set up a Water Cycle Bag Experiment.

And since rainy weather usually means you see more worms, make Dirt Pudding with gummy worms as a snack.

Friday, May 1:

Have you kids learned any new household skills during this time at home? If not, make today the day that they do! Obviously this will depend on the child’s age, but even toddlers can learn how to help put away toys or match socks when putting laundry away. It’s time for Home Ec at Home!

Here’s a list of some household chores or skills to teach kids:

  • Pick up and put away toys.
  • Make beds.
  • Fold laundry.
  • Dust.
  • Fill a pet’s water or food bowl.
  • Clean windows.
  • Load/unload the dishwasher.
  • Water plants.
  • Sort laundry.
  • Sew buttons.
  • Make a grocery list.
  • Set the table.
  • Sweep.
  • Vacuum.

And here a few links to chore charts if this becomes an ongoing thing. (Hopefully it does!)

Toddler Chore Chart with Pictures

Free Customizable Chore Chart for Kids

Saturday, May 2:

After a week of mostly rainy weather, the Saturday forecast looks pretty good. (Let’s hope it stays that way!) So get outside! If you can, find someplace different (while still practicing social distancing) to take a walk or ride bikes. If that isn’t feasible, at least try to make your walk more interesting. Take a different route, bring along a camera (or let the kids use your phone) to take pictures along the way, or make toilet paper roll binoculars before setting out on the day’s adventure.

Here are a few links to printable scavenger hunts and other activities:

Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt Free Printable

7 Fun Nature Walks for Kids

Nature Scavenger Hunt Book Printable

Sunday, May 3:

Just 1 week until Mother’s Day, so it’s the perfect time to make some Mother’s Day cards or crafts to send or give to the special Moms you know! Set the kids up with lots of stickers, markers, papers, etc and let them go nuts on their own, or see the list below for some guided ideas. If the weather cooperates, you could make some Mother’s Day chalkart. (A simple idea is to draw a big heart and the word “YOU” and then have the child lay down in front for the letter “I.”) Take a photo and text it to them, or if you have access to a printer, print it out and decorate a frame to go with it.

Here are some links for more Mother’s Day inspiration:

Handprint Flower Bouquet

Mother’s Day Bookmark & Card Watercolor Project for Kids

Mother’s Day Love Bug Cards

DIY Tin Can Photo Vase

Give a Hug Card

Grandma’s Garden Handprint Keepsake

Heart Handprint Canvas

Salt Dough Handprint Bowl

DIY SuperHero Mother’s Day Gift

And here are some extra links/ideas to use any day or EVERY day!

Pick a friend or relative to Facetime every morning! Start each day with some connection and smiles.

Local kids entertainers Lolly & YoYo are hosting lots of free virtual events. Follow them on Facebook for details.

Philadelphia Zoo is going live at 2 p.m. on weekdays to host Philly Zoo at 2 on Facebook.

Elmwood Park Zoo is doing live Facebook videos every weekday at 11 a.m. introducing different animals.

Bucks County Library: Let’s Play School – activities for ages 3-5

6ABC’s Adam Joseph is doing live storytime on Facebook each morning at 9:30 a.m.

Kids’ author Mo Willems is releasing a new “Lunch Doodle” video each weekday at 1 p.m.

Cape May County Park & Zoo is doing daily virtual tours daily at 11:30 a.m.

50 Inside Activities to Burn Kid’s Energy

50 Plus Indoor Activities for Kids

Fluency & Fitness is offering 21 days of free unlimited access to their site with lessons in reading and math that incorporate movement.

Scholastic Learn at Home – free articles, stories, videos and fun learning challenges

Education Companies Offering Free Subscriptions

Printable Family Chore Chart

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