It’s a new month, and we’re STILL mostly at home! As school assignments start to wind down, here are some ideas to add some fun, learning and variety to your days at home with the kids.


In light of current events, it seems fitting to spend some time this week talking about diversity in a kid-friendly way.

Here are some helpful links:

Diversity Books for Children

Talking About Diversity Using Playdough

Resources for Talking to Kids About Racism 

National Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Month

Celebrate by doing some activities focused on thse healthy foods. (Tip: Shady Brook Farm in Yardley opened their fields for pick-your-own strawberries yesterday! See their site for safety/health precautions and how to purchase entry tickets.)

Links for ideas:

Fruit Science for Kids

Fruits & Veggies Coloring & Tracing Free Printable

Fruit & Vegetable Activity Pack Free Printables

Strawberry Crafts for Preschoolers

June 3: National Running Day

Celebrate National Running Day by burning off some energy outside. Go for a run in your neighborhood, make an obstacle course in the backyard, or visit a local park.

June 5: National Doughnut Day

After a day dedicated to fresh fruits and vegetables, we’re here to remind you that today is National Doughnut Day! (Hey, it’s all about balance, right?!) Start the day off with a special surprise – doughnuts from your favorite local spot. And if you don’t already have a favorite of your own, take a look at our 2020 Happening List for suggestions.

To keep the theme going, do an activity like this Paper Plate Donut Craft

June 7: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

On National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, you could try your hand at making the delicious treat at home using a recipe like the one linked here, OR you could get takeout from a Montgomery County favorite spot.

And since we love a theme-inspired craft, check out this Puffy Paint Ice Cream Cone Craft made with glue, paint and shaving cream.

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