Bars Montgomery County PAEvery Thursday Andy Stettler of the Lansdale Reporter hosts a Twitter Chat, “Reporter Local Business Chat”. This past Thursday we discussed Social Media Marketing and tomorrow we are discussing Branding. If you’re on Twitter, first off you should follow us 😉 and you should also follow @AndyStettler to join the Chat. It’s really informative and it’s a great way to meet other Montgomery County residents and business owners. ANYWAY, this past week I (@RyanTaft) was fortunate enough to meet Scott Rudich (@RoundGuysBrewer) and Rob DeMaria (@PrismBeer), two owners of local breweries in Montgomery County. We were all contributing to the chat and even had a few side bar conversations as well. After the chat ended we were still tweeting back and forth when I asked if I could write an article about their breweries.

See, this is what it’s all about when we talk about supporting the local community. First, there were two brewery owners discussing ideas on how each other could grow their business. Some less progressive business owners may have felt threatened to discuss business ideas with a competitor. Not these guys. The other great thing to see was two business owners using social media to connect with their local community. In order for local businesses to thrive in this economy we all must start engaging our community members as they are our primary customers. Social Media is a great way to start building relationships within your local community, which was proven last week when myself, Andy from the Reporter, Scott and Rob all took time to participate in a Twitter Chat. The output of that is a stronger relationship between each of us AND this article, which helps promote Andy’s Twitter Chat, and Scott and Rob’s local breweries. If you’re a business owner reading this, definitely consider how you can go about supporting your local community as the benefits for your business will be many.

OK, so now that you know the background information, let’s get into the good stuff… 2 GREAT BREWERIES right here in Montgomery County!

Round Guys Brewing Company of Lansdale, PA

Round Guys is a startup in Montgomery County. Scott Rudich and Rich DiLiberto are two guys who grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia and love beer. They are going to be opening their first brewery and brewpub right here in Lansdale, PA.  Round Guys Brewery is expected to open THIS Fall/Winter. Round Guys has been brewing their own beer out of their garage and currently offer 6 unique beers, all of which have really great names. You have Killa Blonde Gorilla, Doppel Sticke Alt, Roaming Blackback: Black IPA, Punch Drunk Porter, St. Albertine’s 3, and Fuzzy Muttness.

You’ll have to read the story of how Round Guys Brewing Company got it’s name, but what’s interesting is that Scott and Rich claim that they have no marketing abilities. I’m here to tell them they’re wrong. Using tools like Twitter and Facebook Scott and Rich are slowly building relationships with local Montgomery County residents. I know I’m going to grab a beer there as soon as they open, all because of one Twitter Chat. Not bad marketing guys, not bad!

Prism Brewing Company of North Wales, PA

Prism Brewing Company was started in 2009 by Rob DeMaria. You have to read the story of how Rob DeMaria started Prism Brewing Company. The dude sounds wicked creative. Nice work on the website by the way Rob. Love it. Prism Brewing Company currently has one location, right here in our own North Wales, Montgomery County. This North Wales brewery offers 7 unique beers broken into six categories based on complexity and alcohol content. What’s really cool is that Prism Brewery uses colors on their packages, logos, and ads to allow you to decode the strength of each beer simply by looking for the color code. Again, wicked creative. Anyway, we are definitely planning on stopping by Prism Brewery in North Wales for a cold one at some point this summer, perhaps even for Trivia Night starting July 19th.  We encourage you to do the same.


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