Montco Happening is proud to feature the work of Randi Rentz. The local teacher, resident, and breast cancer survivor has turned what was once an unimaginable diagnosis into a message of hope and strength for all of us to hear. We hope that you take the time to read her monthly articles for daily inspiration. Montco Happening would like to thank Randi for all the work that she does for cancer patients and families in and around our community. Click here to visit her website to learn more about her mission and to see first hand why she was voted BEST Blogger in Montgomery County in the Happening List 2015, and currently in the running again for 2016!!!

Randi Rentz

Randi Rentz

Staying Focused & Being Present : By Randi Rentz

This winter has had me feeling like I am drinking out of a fire hose – literally. While the opportunities are extraordinary, I have been moving so quickly and responding so reactively that I feel like I have whiplash! So, one of the things that I am working really hard on is staying focused and present.

What I am learning is that at any moment, the only true certainty is our ability to pay attention to one thing or another – something in our body, in our mind, or in our surroundings.

During the day, I often ask myself: What are you giving your attention to in this moment?

This is a great question because the truth is that whatever you’re paying attention to is by definition your highest priority right now.

Our attention is the source of all insight, learning, communication, connection with others, beliefs, and emotions in our lives.

When I really focus, I realize that the only way for something to enter our minds is for us to give it our attention and thus to invite it in. Working on living our best and happiest lives, and making our greatest possible contributions to the world, are intimately bound up with a simple habit: focusing our attention on those things that are most important to us.

The choice of what we pay attention to is the most fundamental thing in our lives. It literally creates our experience of reality. The Shining Moment of paying attention is that it shuts off the firehose!


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