by Erin McNelis


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Begun in 2012, Knights for Life is a non-profit organization that supports individuals and families who are facing issues related to declining health or who have experienced profound loss. Through fundraising events and a partnership with North Penn schools and the community, the organization is dedicated to assisting families while providing them with support and hope for a brighter future.

Founder Steve Melchior started Knights for Life as a way to honor and cope with the deaths of his brother and his best friend. Chris Melchior and Mike Saks, both North Penn graduates, died within three months of each other. Steve wanted to band the community together to help families that had been impacted the way his family was. The support the community showed Melchior and his family in their time of need was the impetus for the project, and now the organization is pouring out support for others in need.

The organization holds various fundraising events throughout the year, including beef and beer events, craft shows, and benefits. The organization has a horseshoe tournament scheduled October 1 and a vendor blender on November 12. The money goes toward anything that might help a family suffering through health problems or loss.

“Our work is important, because we deliver hope,” says Laura Smith, vice president of the organization. “We step in and help our neighbors when there is little or no help available. We are friends helping friends, neighbors helping neighbors.”

The organization has donated money toward gas money for a family visiting their child in the hospital, money to help with the building of a wheelchair ramp, and assistance with paying rent when medical expenses have drained a bank account.

Knights for Life is always looking for more volunteers and attendees at events. Most members of the board graduated from North Penn High School in the years 1984 to 1986, but they are always looking for more representation from other classes. For more information, visit or find them on Facebook.

Read about more Happening Heroes here.



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