In memory of all those lost on 9/11, we share some of our most powerful images taken at 9/11 Park in Yardley, PA.  This small town just outside Montgomery County came together to construct the “Garden of Reflection” in honor of all the innocent lives that were lost in the terrorist attacks in D.C., New York and Pennsylvania, and to all the families who were affected by that loss.  This yearly ceremony and mass in neighboring Bucks County is one that is too close to miss.  It will bring tears to your eye’s as hundreds of people from surrounding counties gather and unite for an annual ceremony that is beyond beautiful. Everyone coming together to give there respects, thoughts, prayers, and never ending remembrance. “On this the 11th Anniversary, we will always remember and honor our fallen heroes”

Honor and Remembrance Ceremony

Will be held on September 11th at 8:30 a.m. at the Lower Makefield Garden of Reflection. The Ceremony commemorates the 11th Anniversary of the tragic events.

Remembrance in Light

This September 11, 2012 at 7pm, Pennsylvania’s Official 9-11 Memorial, The Garden of Reflection, will host a Remembrance in Light Ceremony. This half hour Ceremony will be an opportunity for all to reflect, remember and honor all who were lost on September 11, 2001. The Candle Light Ceremony will feature prayers, music and flower placement for our 18 Bucks County victims.

More Info and Directions on 9/11 Park  “Garden of Reflections” 

Photos Courtesy of J.C. Sager


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