Almond Toffee BrickleI don’t consider myself a great cook.  I also don’t know much about wines or cheeses.  However, I do take pride in my ability to locate amazing desert recipes.  For those that don’t know, I am a chocolate lover and ice cream fanatic.  Simply put, when it comes to deserts and sweets, I don’t mess around.

Over the years I have sampled hundreds of Christmas Cookie recipes.  To this day, none have been superior to the below.  Almond Toffee Brickle (aka Cracker Candy) may not be the prettiest desert, but it’s combination of ingredients create a taste that’s second to none.  Please stop by our Facebook page to let us know what you think!  If you like the original recipe below, I’d recommend making a second batch using dark chocolate.

  • 40 saltine crackers
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup butter
  • 12 oz bag chocolate chips
  • 1 cup finely chopped almonds

Preheat oven to 400.  Cover bottom and sides of cookie sheet with aluminum foil.  Place crackers on cookie sheet, side to side, not overlapping.  Set aside.  In saucepan, melt butter.  Add brown sugar and melt.  Bring to a full rolling boil.  Boil exactly 3 minutes.  Stir often.  Remove from heat and pour immediately over saltines.  Distribute evenly.  Bake 5 minutes at 400.  Sprinkle chocolate chips over toffee and crackers.   After a few minutes, spread the chocolate evenly over the entire pan, right up side of pan, with the back of the spoon.  Spinkle on nuts.  Refrigerate at least two hours.  Remove foil from back of toffee and break with hands into desired pieces.  Store in refrigerator (or a cold garage) in plastic container.  Eat and enjoy! 

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