Calling all building and development professionals. We are conveying a 10.48 acre land mass, consisting of 4 separate tax parcels. A beautiful wooded setting, with views and riparian rights of Mill Creek, The larger lot parcel(6.98 ac) backs up to Bucks County Conservancy. Parcel 31-026-075 (1 ac)- 241 Bridgestone Dr has the original waterfront Bungalow on the bank of Mill Creek. Parcel Parcel- 31-026-074 -(.75 ac) 225 Bridgestone Dr is the smallest of the lots and also has non in habitat original bungalow.

Check Out the Listing

Parcel 31-026-074 001 is 1.75ac The township has set precedence with allowing builds on less then 1.75 Acres. Please note the old commuter rail line- as designated on the plot plan has been removed. Provided in the documents is the plot plan for the 4 land parcels to be sold . Also provided is a pre lim possible 5 lot sub division. Please note- NOTHING was submitted to the township. The 10.48 acres is To be sold- AS IS. Where IS. No Warranties. The additional tax parcel numbers are as follows: 31-026-074, 31-026-075 and 31-026-075001

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Coldwell Banker Hearthside, REALTORS //

Full-time Realtor in the Bucks County Area
Licensed in both PA and NJ
A member of Million Dollar Guild, Global Luxury, and International President Circle
A trusted Realtor since 2004
2019, 2018 Winner, Bucks Happening List, Real Estate Agent


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