Have no fear Montco’s Holiday Helper is here…..and she brought some clever creations to decorate your home this year! Check out her list of festively fun ways to reinvent the wreath. As unconventional as it may seem, creating or customizing your own wreath is a great way to bring the whole family together while at the same time adding a bit of style to your holiday season. Who would have thought?! Well, clearly not any of us….and that’s why we are so happy to welcome our Happening Holiday Helper, stay tuned for more!

Why don’t you join us? We would love to hear about your ideas, and see your creations. Feel free to send us some of your custom work for consideration to be featured in an article. If it’s creative and clever enough, we will share it with our readers!
Send Your Pics…..http://montco.happeningmag.com/submit-photos/



What You Will Need
Styrofoam wreath form (size of your preference)
Strand of white holiday lights
Doily’s or Paper bouquet holders

1. Wrap wreath form with a of white holiday lights, leaving the plug end unwrapped (as much as is needed to plug in)

2. With scissors, make center-hole slits slightly in Doily’s

3. Poke a finger through center hole of each Doily (from front to back) to create openings large enough to accommodate a lightbulb

4. Beginning with largest ones, place Doily’s evenly around wreath, slipping a light through each hole so that bulb bases, not bulbs, rest against paper

*From time to time, hang wreath, and step back to ensure that the arrangement is balanced and attractive

5. Add remaining Doily’s in descending size order. Use smallest Doily’s to cover centers of larger ones and to fill in any gaps. Hang near an outlet. Unplug when unattended.

Feeling GREEN? Let’s face it due to the high usage of technology these days most homes are bound to have a stack or two of computer paper just lying around… Maybe it’s been used, maybe it never will be…..well here’s a way you can put it to good use! Make your own materials, paper snowflakes look great as a substitute for the Doily’s!




What You Will Need
Styrofoam wreath (white)- (Craft Store)
Glue gun and glue sticks
Coffee filters, 2 packages Dollar tree (Extra Larger Recommended)
Thick Marker (OPTIONAL : used to avoid burns and help stick/push into the styrofoam)

1. Place the tip of the sharpie at the center of a coffee filter

2. Gently wrap one coffee filter around the marker

3. Apply hot glue to the tip of the coffee filter

4. Holding the marker firmly, place the glued tip of the coffee filter into the styrofoam, hold for 3 seconds then remove the sharpie

5. Repeat until there is no more space.

Quick Tips:
-Place the filters as close together as possible
-Try not to put the filters to close to the edge of the inside circle of the wreath or it will not sit flush against the door.
-Hang with ribbon of you choice or you may attach the styrofoam directly to a nail.




Turn things around this season, literally! Here is a great way to take that old wreath you have been storing up in the attic for years and spicing it up.. The greatest thing about this is you can do this with ANY wreath!!


NOTE: To suspend this from the ceiling you will need to hang a chandelier hook or be willing to drill an S hook into a ceiling beam.

Hanging the Wreath: What you use to suspend your wreath may vary depending on its size. If you are working with a small wreath, you could use a thick ribbon. If its on the larger side, you can purchase silver cords from the craft store. Cut to size. Entwine the suspending material through the wreath evenly and attach to the hook.

Customize and coordinate with your other holiday decor by adding ornaments, lights, and beaded garlands.



What You Will Need
Small Containers (we recommend using old jewelry boxes)
Wrapping Paper
Ribbons, Bows, Stickers of your Choice (for containers)
Flat Wooden wreath form (size of your choice)
Hot Glue Gun
1 Large Ribbon or Bow

“Ladies, this is a great way to get rid of all of those old jewelry boxes in the back of your closet”!

1. Wrap containers with decoration of your choice. Try to use a variation of sizes for best results. Using the hot glue gun, attach the wrapped and ribboned containers around the wreath form. Add large bow (options) and TA-DA!

2.Turn this wreath into outdoor decor by covering the containers with weatherproof paper and sealing them with all-weather tape. Get creative! Try using coordinating patterns, add colorful ribbons or even stickers!





What You Will Need
3-4 bags of large marshmallows
1 bag of mini marshmallows
1 box of toothpicks
12-inch flat foam wreath
Insert about 150 toothpicks halfway into the 12-inch flat foam wreath, then spear a marshmallow onto each toothpick.
Refrigerate overnight to set.
Add ribbon of choice and you’re done!




What You Will Need
styrofoam wreath form (size of your choice)
3 different sizes of styrofoam balls
3 different shades of similar color yarn
Embellishments of your choice ( ornaments, snowflakes, silver and gold jingle balls.
Hot Glue Gun

Wrap each styrofoam ball with a single color of yarn until the styrofoam is no longer visible. Arrange balls of yarn around the wreath form and attach with a hot glue gun. Add embellishments as desired. Attach a ribbon to the top of the wreath and hang away!



*Montco Happening wanted to give a special thanks to our Happening Holiday Helper, researcher and freelance writer Melissa C.. Her creations, eye for everything fashionable and keen sense of style will help M.H. bring all of you some new looks to brighten up your home and wardrobe all year long! 

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