This Saturday at 1:00 pm is the PA State Fireman’s convention parade in Norristown. Rescue 33 Center Square Fire Companies Pink Cancer awareness truck will be escorting 14 year old Bobby Taggart, a young boy whose fight against cancer has inspired the lives of so many in and around our county. The fire companies group Community Service Fighting Cancer dedicated the passenger side of the truck to Bobby, and everyone is encouraged to sign the truck to show their support. When asked what tRescue 33 could do for Bobby, he said he wanted a ride on the rescue truck. Bobby along with his brother, Dad & Mom will enjoy drinks and his favorite candy Carmel with cream while having the best seat in the parade. A cheering station is also being organized at Main & Swede. Come on out to support an incredible young man and to help spread cancer awareness in our community. This story was provided to us by Rich Moser, and all the firefighters of the Center Square Fire Company. Their passion and dedication for helping others is something that we here at Montco Happening look up to, admire, and will always be thankful for.

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 Center Square Fire Company

More Info on C.S.F.C.
Community Service Fighting Cancer 

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