The Spring-Ford Rotary is thrilled to announce the Inaugural Wine, Beer, and Food Festival, in support of the local charities of the Spring-Ford Rotary and Limerick Parks and Recreation.   The event will be held on Saturday, September 23, 2017 from noon to 5 p.m. in the Limerick Community Park, 180 Swamp Pike, Limerick, PA.

Planning has begun and with your input we hope to make it a great annual event.  The festival will include local vineyard and brewery tastings, musical entertainment, crafts, and of course, delicious food .  Every effort will be made to offer unique choices, without duplicate food and craft categories.  For the low cost of $25., you will be given admission to this exciting event.  Parking will be free at the event.  Upon entering the event you will be given a wine tasting glass and a hand stamp.  You will be able to stop at the many vineyards and breweries inside the event for a free tasting.  If you like the product, you may buy a bottle or glass and drink it in the picnic areas.  You may also buy a few bottles to take home.  They will be stored for you at no charge until you are ready to leave the event.  There will be many food vendors there also that you may purchase their products.

We appreciate your consideration and support of this new local endeavor.  Unlike many other events and festivals in our area, all of the profit will be distributed throughout our local community.  There is no one on the “payroll” of this event or any local Rotary club.  All of a Rotary Club’s administrative costs are absorbed by its members.  To learn more about Rotary International or how to become a Rotarian visit  If you’d like to know more specifically about the Spring-Ford Rotary Club, visit  Rotary’s doors are always open to anyone who wants to learn more. 

We Are Supported By:

AccentontherocksAP ROG Orthodontics- AccessPass PlayfulPetsAP24

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