Montco Community Set to Take Part in 3k Walk/5k Run to Support Meals On Wheels

On Saturday, April 13th, Montco area residents will gather for the 3rd Annual Wayne McKallip 3k Walk and 5k Run on the campus of Montgomery County Community College. The fundraiser, hosted by the Senior Adult Activity Center of Montgomery County (Montco SAAC), seeks to help Meals On Wheels “Outrun Senior Hunger One Meal at a Time.”

Registration is from 8am to 8:45am and the race kicks off at 9. This family event includes free t-shirts (if registered by March 30th, and after March 30th whileMeals on Wheels 2 supplies last) and goodie bags for registrants as well as refreshments. There will also be the Meals on Wheels mascot, “Mo” for the kids’ entertainment.

The goal is to raise awareness and funds for seniors in need of Meals On Wheels. Many of the participants are affected personally by this issue. “Montco Meals on Wheels has made it convenient for me to have nutritious meals and was invaluable after surgery,” says Thomas Simonton of Ambler.

Meals on Wheels of Montco SAAC has been serving residents in 25 local municipalities for more than four decades. This area includes Ambler, Norristown, Glenside and surrounding communities. More than 100,000 meals were delivered to homebound seniors in 2012.

For more information or to pre-register go to

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Ellen O’Brien


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