Don your finest green, practice your bagpipe skills and hunt for a lucky four-leaf clover … it’s almost St. Patrick’s Day! Here’s how Montgomery County is celebrating this year:

The Saint Patrick’ Parade in Conshohocken is the only Saint Patrick’s Parade in Montgomery County Pa. The orginal parade was started in Norristown in 1992 but over the years the attendance of the crowd became very bad. The parade committee needed to do something to bring this parade back to life.

The parade committee in 2005 approached the Borough of Conshohocken about having the parade in their town in 2006. After a several meeting and phone calls the move was approved by the Borough.

As it turned out Conshohocken is a parade town. Thousands lined the street in 2006 the first parade and the attendance has been growing each year. Named the “Best Littlest Parade” the one mile long parade is loaded with music and entertainment. And its a great setting with restaurant and pubs lining the parade route.

Conshohocken is easily accessed from the route 76 the Expressway, 476 Blue Route, Ridge Pike and Route 23. Also SEPTA has a bus and train line coming into town.

Over the years the Grand Marshal’s Ball has become bigger along with the parade. This is the big night for the incoming Grand Marshal and his family. This is when he or she takes over the reins as Grand Marshal A Very Special Night for All. This event is always the Saturday before the parade.

The committee started a new event with the move to Conshohocken that has become a big hit. The “Irish Coffee Contest” Several of the past Grand Marshal’s and present one are the judges. This event is held at the AOH Hall in Swedesburg the Thursday before the parade. Always a fun night with many locals businesses competing for the best Irish Coffee in the area.

Beginner Irish Dance Classes forming now at OGQ’s Hatfield Studio
March 7, 2017 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Is your daughter/son interested in Irish Dancing? Classes are now open in Hatfield, PA (Route 309). Beginner through Championship level. Accepting students as young as 4 years. For more information or questions about joining our school, please contact Kelly or Randi at

Great Narberth Leprechaun Hunt
Saturday, March 11, 2017, 1pm – 4pm
Location: Downtown Narberth, Corner of Forrest Ave and Haverford Ave

Photo credit: Don Groff

Get St. Patrick’s Day started early with this free family event.   The tenth annual Great Narberth Leprechaun Hunt is being held in downtown Narberth on Saturday, March 11, 2017, from 1pm – 4pm.  This free family event is a scavenger hunt where kids search all over town to find ten leprechauns.  Children start the hunt by getting a game card and an empty pot o’ gold from the booth at the corner of Forrest and Haverford Avenues.  They get treats as they find the leprechauns, who are hiding in shops all over town.  Once they’ve found all ten, they return to the booth for aSt. Paddy’s Day prize.  The hunt lasts until 4pm or while prizes last.

Saint Patrick’s Day Luncheon Bash  
March 17 @ 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Cost: $10.00 Register by Tuesday, March 7

You will feel lucky to get delicious Irish themed food and drink. There will be some Malarkey. So, wear your green today. Everyone is Irish on Saint Patrick’s Day.

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