Spraying for Safety

There most certainly is something “Itchy” going on in our area this year!

It looks like bug zappers and sprays just aren’t cutting it this summer.  Nor are any of the newly released forms of bug protection (bracelets and stickers for kids just to name a few). We are not implying that these products don’t work because they do help!  We are only emphasizing the enormity of the pesky problem that Montgomery and surrounding counties are scratching this year.  Multiple townships within Montco have either sprayed, or are planning to spray in the near future.    Since May of this year there have been tests in different areas of the county for mosquitos infected with the West Nile Virus. Compared to the numbers from last year, the amount of infected mosquitos has more than doubled in quantity this season. The Montgomery County Health Department is working hard to relieve the situation but these little buggers are multiplying by the thousands, or so it seems.

Please be aware that the risk of West Nile Virus is strong and may remain so for some time this season, there are things that YOU can do for your own personal protection.

To learn more about the West Nile Virus and what is being done to exterminate this issue in our area you can visit Montgomery County’s public website at:

This site will also provide insight on what YOU can do to help eliminate this problem for your own personal protection, as well as information on the products and processes that are being used for spraying.

Here’s Some Helpful Hints That May Keep the Bugs from Biting:

  • Make sure all standing water is removed from your yard as this is where they breed
  • Planting Marigolds and Lemon Grass in your garden can keep away mosquitos and other biting insects
  • Dryer sheets can be rubbed on the skin or hung outside, the chemicals give off a scent that repel bugs
  • You can try applying toothpaste to your mosquito bites, it will dry them out quickly
  • Coffee grounds can be sprinkled in your garden as well, the odor should keep them away

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