
It began as a wish. In 1956, the Lansdale Chamber of Commerce and a small group of area organizations wanted to assist students of proven scholastic ability to obtain training and education beyond the high school level. That aspiration evolved into what is now known as the North Penn Area Scholarship Fund Association.

Now in their 60th year, the NPASFA continues the mission of its founding members. Since its inception, the association has awarded over 1,240 individual scholarships totaling more than $1,045,000 to college-bound students from the North Penn area.

According to John Dasch, awards chairman, scholarship applications are available for download on the association’s web site, and completed applications must be postmarked by March 1, 2016. To be eligible to apply for the scholarship, high school seniors must reside within the boundaries of the North Penn School District, regardless of which high school they attend, and rank in the top half of their class. Applicants must plan to attend a recognized institution approved by state (PHEAA) and/or federal (PELL) grant programs. North Penn Area Scholarships may be used at two-year and four-year colleges and at nursing, business, and vocational schools.

Eileen Rennard, NPASFA co-chairwoman, said, “While a student’s academic record plays a role in the selection process, the main criterion is financial need.” The number of scholarships given and their amount vary each year depending upon the results of annual fund-raising activities. Each May, the NPASFA hosts a reception were the scholars are informed of their awards. In 2015, twenty-one scholarships were awarded with amounts ranging from $1000 to $3000.

Contributions are the life blood of the North Penn Area Scholarship Fund. Through the continued generous contributions of many businesses, organizations and individuals, each year more students are finding their financial burden a little lighter. Contributions to the fund can be made in any amount. “The fund relies heavily on donations from businesses and patrons,” Rennard said. Complete information on making a donation to the fund can be found at

Community volunteers are responsible for the operation of the association. The scholarship committee includes teachers, parents of previous scholarship recipients, past scholarship awardees and local business owners. The NPASFA is always looking for new members. Those interested in becoming a member of the scholarship committee can email for more information. The committee meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Lansdale United Methodist Church.
For a complete history of the NPASFA, scholarship application, or information on contributing to the fund, go to 

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