Montco Happening is proud to feature the work of Randi Rentz. The local teacher, resident, and breast cancer survivor has turned what was once an unimaginable diagnosis into a message of hope and strength for all of us to hear. We hope that you take the time to read her monthly articles for daily inspiration. We want to give a personal thanks to Randi for all the work that she does for cancer patients and families in and around our community. Swing by Randi’s website to learn more about her mission and to see first hand why she was recently voted BEST Blogger in Montgomery County in the Happening List 2015’!!!

Change, Change, Change: Written by Randi Rentz

Change is at the forefront of my mind today. One day it is sunny and warm, and then, it’s absolutely freezing. Change.

Today I feel healthy.  Last week, I felt sick (cough, cough). Change. Change.

Since my breast cancer I’ve had a lot of change (physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually and intellectually) daily, right before my eyes. Sometimes extraordinary. And sometimes magical. Change. Change. Change.
changeChange is inevitable in life. I cannot change the fact that I had cancer. However, I have the Shining Moment attitude that enables me to take control of the extraordinary changes resulting from the breast cancer diagnosis and corresponding treatment. In other words, I can dictate the impact of the change that has occurred.

A positive attitude, calm reasoned choices and a stellar support system was the foundation upon which the change in my life has happened, which made the whole experience feasible.

Rather than feeling fearful, I felt brave. Rather than feeling ambivalent, I felt empowered to grow. Rather than feeling despair, I felt hopeful. Rather than focusing on what I don’t have, I focused on what I do have which includes:

  • The BOTY (a/k/a Boyfriend of the Year)
  • Fabulous friendsrandi
  • An amazing health care team
  • Extraordinary (!) people reading this blog, posting comments, sending encouraging words and/or sharing experiences
  • Physical strength
  • Emotional fortitude
  • Mental stamina
  • Ceaseless curiosity
  • Patient patience
  • Sense of humor
  • Determination
  • Persistent peace
  • Joy! Joy! Joy!
  • Shining Moment’s, of course

As I saw the light on the other side of breast cancer (Shining Moment), I knew that I could change how I live the rest of my life — making healthy choices and feeling as well as possible, physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.

–King Whitney Jr.

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