The weather could not have been any nicer for the 4th Annual St. Patty’s Day 5k! People of all ages came out to the Village Tavern in North Wales to support an amazing cause that directly benefits our community. John and Theresa Modestine, owners of the Village Tavern, created this yearly “shock run” to help raise funds to place AED’S (defibrillators), into our county’s  schools, groups, organizations and even to specific individuals. These devices could mean the difference between life or death in an emergency situation, and there are a lot of facilities in Montgomery County that would benefit greatly by having one. All proceeds from this run will go towards placing these AED’S into the hands of residents who need them the most. The Modestine family seemed truly humbled by all the support that our community showed today, and they deserve every bit of recognition and thanks for getting us all together to help make Montco a safer place. Now check out the photos and share with friends!!!



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What’s Happening at The Village Tavern

Contact Info

511 Stump Road
North Wales, PA
Follow on fb: Village Tavern

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