Daylight Savings Time = Quick & Easy Home Maintenance Time!

We all know the saying, “The early bird catches the worm”. Well, when you get up this Sunday you can say, “The smart Chick maintains the coop”. Yes, we have an hour less to get it all done but we can’t forget to give some TLC to our most valuable financial asset, OUR HOME. I’m sure you know it’s time to change the clocks and smoke detector batteries. But there are a few other key home maintenance tasks you should do to protect your investment and your family!
Daylight 1

• Of course, change the batteries in smoke detectors. If detectors are 10 or more yrs old, replace them. Try the new Kidde long lasting 10 yr. battery unit. Click here for more details.

• Test carbon monoxide detectors. If you don’t have one get one!

• Change the air filter in your heating/AC unit.

• Use flexible duct brush to clean dryer vent ducts to prevent lint related fires.

• Prevent drain issues and clean bathroom drains with Vinegar Flush cocktail (see below)

• Test your water main shut off valve to be sure it has not seized (rusted shut). In case of a major leak, you must be able to shut off the main. If it is seized, apply WD-40 to the handle and try again. Do not force it. You risk breaking the pipe and having a relentless geyser in your home!

Q and A with the HIP ChickMary Beth Allen

Question: “Where is the main water shut off valve for my home?”

Answer: Water main shut off valves are generally located inside the basement, garage or utility closet. You should see a copper supply pipe entering your home followed by a water usage meter and a valve. The valve can be a straight handle, oval or round knob. Turn it off and back on once or twice a year. (Bonus tip – Turn off your water when you go on vacation, don’t want to come home to a flood.)

Vinegar Cocktail (for your drains)

For a healthy, non-toxic drain cleanerDrain clean 2

1 cup baking soda

1 cup white vinegar

Kettle full of boiling water

Pour baking soda around drain opening and follow it with vinegar. Close the drain and let the concoction sit for 10 minutes, then pour boiling water into the drain and you should have free flowing pipes. Use monthly for slow drains to keep the plumber away!

Simple maintenance can keep your home running smoothly. Any questions, contact Beth directly at,

This Sponsored Post was brought to you by Beth Allen
Owner of HIP CHick’s-The DIY Resource for Women
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