Firefighter, EMT, and Police Officer

Image by © Tom Grill/Corbis

The law firm of Console & Hollawell is pleased to announce a contest to honor law enforcement, fire squad, and EMT/paramedic unit personnel throughout the South Jersey and Philadelphia Metro regions. In the “Real Heroes Wear Badges, Not Capes” project, the firm invites individuals, businesses, and organizations to nominate the first responders who put their lives on the line to protect others.

“Police officers, firefighters, and EMT/paramedic units are the first on the scene to help seriously injured accident victims,” said the firm’s managing partner Richard P. Console, Jr. “Their intervention often makes the difference between life and death. Selfless first responders are true heroes, and they deserve recognition for their work.”

One law enforcement officer, firefighter, or EMT/paramedic will be chosen as the contest winner and will receive a personal prize of $500 and a monetary donation in the amount of $500 to the local cause of his or her choice. Additionally, every nominee will be considered for inclusion in a “Real Heroes Wear Badges, Not Capes” gallery to honor local first responders. Nominations are due by Friday, December 13, 2013. Console encourages individuals and organizations throughout the region to support their Screen shot 2013-11-16 at 3.12.37 AMcommunities’ heroes by nominating them for this honor.

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