The Spring-Ford Community Theater will be featuring it’s 2013 Capstone Production of “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare – abridged” this May. The Capstone is an annual production of high quality that features the best of our theater. The actors and production crew are selected based on their past performances and ability to fill the need of the production to showcase the theater.

Spring Ford 3Spring-Ford Community Theater’s purpose is to provide educational and training opportunities for youth seeking to improve their skills in theater, presentation, leadership, organization and teamwork. Additionally, SFCT maintains a welcoming, social environment open to anyone, novice or professional, who is interested in serving the community in theater.

Spring Ford Seniors

Image Courtesy of Jen Capone Photography

This year’s capstone features 3 actors, Drew Carr, Paul Johnson and Mario Dolenti. All 3 are Spring-Ford students who will mix pratfalls, puns, clunky female impersonations, clean-cut ribaldry, and broad burlesque in an effort to present the entire works of William Shakespeare in one evening of laugh-out-loud fun.

They are supported by director: Bonnie Fetterolf, producer: Janice Johnson, student intern: Jason Marcus and crew members: Tameka Sadler, Paulina Portela and Sarah Johnson.

Pre-sale tickets may be purchased through cast and crew members for $8. Tickets at the door are $10. Show nights are May 9,10,11,16 & 18 – curtain 7:30pm.

Production will take place at the SF 8th Grade Center
700 Washington Street, Royersford, PA 19468-2499

More Information
website: or call #484-744-2643 .





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