It’s a buyer’s market, so to get your house sold, it needs to stand out from the sea of “For Sale” signs in Montgomery County. If your house has been on the market for awhile, consider the first impression your house makes on buyers. Does your front yard say “Welcome! Come see what’s inside!” or does it scream “Keep walking!”

Find out what’s killing your curb appeal:

  • Decaying yard. To prepare your house for sale, you probably focused on scrubbing the interior from top to bottom. Don’t forget about your yard, though. Pull all weeds from the lawn and the edge where the lawn meets your driveway; and mow your lawn at least every two weeks.
  • Cracked driveway.  Driveways are the entryways into your home. If the driveway has been neglected, buyers get the impression that the house has been neglected as well. Resealing your driveway is an affordable option that will immediately impact the first impression your home gives.
  • Dirty siding. You may have painted your home blue when you moved in, but now it’s looking more like a dingy gray. Power wash your siding to get rid of the built up dirt and grime. If power washing isn’t enough, spring for a full exterior paint job.
  • Overwhelming color. If you love bright purple and just had to have that bright purple door with bright purple shutters, more power to you. However, now that you’re selling your house, the colors should be more neutral so that it appeals to a wider audience.

Your front yard and driveway should offer a warm welcome to potential home buyers. Get help with your home’s curb appeal from the experts at Advanced Asphalt Care and save 10% on sealcoating when you mention this post!


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