The Pizza ProjectPepperoni?  Onions and green peppers?  How about margarita with a side of marinara sauce?  Regardless of your toppings of choice, any MontCo pizza lover has one thing in common with our friends at The Pizza Project; a longing for the perfect pie.   Since we know just how seriously many take their pizza, we thought it wise to feature their expert reviews on MontCo Happening.  Every few weeks, we will feature blogs from The Pizza Project that are relevant to Montgomery County – be on the look out!

Just what, or who, is “The Pizza Project” you may ask?  It is a website run by a team of local bloggers who don’t mess around when it comes to pizza.  Scouring the area for new pies to try out, they make it their mission to find the region’s best.  Operating under code names such as “The Cheese Whiz” and “Spicy Hawaiian,” these bloggers then report their findings to the public. What we love about The Pizza Project is that they tell it how it is.  If a pie tastes like cardboard with ketchup on it, they’ll let you know.

Aside from pizza reviews, The Pizza Project blogs about a variety of other topics such as Philadelphia Sports, music and beer.   Make sure to check outtheir website and to follow them on Facebook as they post humorous and insightful content on a regular basis.  We at MontCo Happening look forward to featuring their posts – check back soon….

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