
Summer is quickly coming to an end and it’s time to get ready for a new school year. Gearing up for the new year can be fun and exciting, but children are often anxious about the year ahead. They’re not ready for summer to be over! Who will be in their classroom? Will they like their teacher?  

Getting into a routine will help start the year off right. Here are some simple steps to take in the coming weeks to make sure your family is ready for Back to School:

  • During the summer months your child often stay awake late at night and sleeps in past 9:00 a.m. Establish early bedtimes at least one week prior to starting school. Getting up early leaves your child plenty of time to get dressed, and enjoy their breakfast without being rushed.
  • Take fun shopping trips, even if you only purchase one or two items. This gets your child excited about returning to school and promotes organizational skills.
  • Designing fun charts to establish homework routines and reading schedules will ensure your child designates enough time to complete all of his/her upcoming school assignments.
  • Openly discuss any issues or concerns your child might have about the new school year. Listen carefully and address any issues so the new year starts fresh without any leftover baggage from the previous year.
  • Attend the open house programs at your child’s school, this gives you and your child the opportunity to make a personal connection with their teachers for the new year.
  • Sign your child up for any extra curriculum activities they have an interest in joining. Special classes or programs can fill up quickly, you don’t want to be left out.
  • Take out the time to hug your child. Celebrate “Happy Hug Day” everyday. Your encouraging hugs will stay with your child all day long. The great thing about hugs is when you give one, you instantly get one right back! A simple action that leaves everyone feeling just a little better than they did before.
  • Spend some time in nature with your child. The time spent enjoying the peacefulness and serenity of nature is never wasted time. It gives your body, mind, and soul, a fresh new feeling.
  • Sit down with your child and discuss specific goals. Brainstorming together puts the wheels in motion on how each goal can be successfully accomplished.

In any way you prepare for the new school year, remember to keep things positive. Have a “let’s start fresh” attitude when things go wrong. Life is never perfect. With school, you will always have a few of those “bad hair days”. A lower grade than you hoped for, or an incomplete homework assignment can always be forgotten. The way and words you used to handle these negative situations, will be remembered.

Encourage your child to move forward instilling in him/her that tomorrow always brings a new opportunity to make things right. This will give them the confidence they need to keep interested in learning. Always keep your mind and heart open to the new ideas your child comes up with. Promote and encourage their creativity.

Sharing the events of your day will keep those communication lines open. It helps your child realize you value their opinion. These moments of sharing will keep you and your child connected throughout the school year.

Remember to keep smiling at their accomplishments, large or small, it sends out the message of approval. It is also important to remember, as their parent, you are your child’s first teacher. You are the foundation builder of your child’s life. Stay “hand in hand” with your child this school year, with your help and guidance they will be successful!

JAMBAThis article is presented by Jamba Juice, with locations in King of Prussia, Willow Grove, & Malvern. As a family focused, health food franchise, Jamba Juice is not just familiar with our community, they are our community. The owners and staff at the Montgomery County locations are residents just like you and I. With a passion to help support their local community, the team members have created a list of local, upcoming events to enjoy with your family, we hope you enjoy!

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