Lansdale’s Kristin Kane Ford is our very own local celebrity. Recently featured in Glamour’s ‘What Will Your Body Look Like After a Baby?, this 32 year old mother boldly displayed what the average working woman’s body actually looks like 15 weeks postpartum. What made the story even more inspiring was the fact that she agreed to have her picture placed next to supermodel Giselle Bundchen. Both Giselle and Kristin’s photos were taken three months after having their babies. Kristin gladly sat down with Montco Happening to discuss her experience with the perceptions and expectations of pregnant women as well as being a dual mother and career woman in this day and age.

Kristin Kane 2

Pictured Left to Right: Giselle Bundchen, Kristin Kane & Parker
Photo Courtesy of Glamour Magazine

Celebrities, especially supermodels like Giselle, are expected to maintain their tight and toned bodies after giving birth, “It’s her job to look good,” says Ford, and she’s right. Like a majority of pregnant women, Kristin initially had the perception that her body would ‘bounce back’ to its pre-pregnant ways. That the jeans that once fit her prior to giving birth to her 6 month old son Parker, would slip right on like they did before. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case, and Kristin admitted that she felt naïve for thinking so. Upon first look of Giselle’s post-baby bod, most would gawk over her goddess-like postpartum physique. As a woman who has also recently had a baby it is very likely most women would find themselves asking the same question as Kristin, ‘why don’t I look like that?!’. The reality of it is that most of your average working women don’t have the time to make looking as though they never had a baby their number one priority. While most women’s postpartum recovery includes returning to their 9 to 5, new mother celebrities spend their ‘working hours’ at the gym with their new best buds and world class, highly paid trainers. According to Ford, it’s about the effort you put into it and right now, Ford’s effort is in other, more important aspects of her life. Instead of focusing her effort on re-toning her body, she focuses that time and effort on being a mother to her son, a loving wife to her husband and all while maintaining a growing professional career.

Just three weeks after the birth of Parker while still on maternity leave, Kristin returned to work, and not alone. Thanks to a family friendly environment, she was able to have baby Parker right by her side as she got back into the groove of things. So far, she is still adjusting and attempting to manage a full schedule without giving up her entire career. Although she hasn’t had to completely let go of her work, she has had to make some sacrifices in order to find a balance through it all. “Success to me is being able to help other people,” Ford says, “It’s the satisfaction of helping someone understand something”. Before Parker, Kristin was completely dedicated to being her own definition of successful. With such big changes, she admits that she has recently had to say ‘no’ to others so that she could say ‘yes’ to her family, but that is a sacrifice she is more than willing to make. “It was something I was not expecting would have such an impact on my work and life experience. Having a child really makes you evaluate your ‘actual’ work week-what could have easily been a 50-60 hour work week needs to fit into a ‘normal’ work schedule. That has been a continual challenge for me.” Says Ford.

Throughout our time sitting down with Kristin, we were able to get into the mind of our very own Montgomery County mother and businesswoman. Kristin, like many women of today, is a business professional. Now recognized as one of the faces of Kane Partners in Lansdale, Kristin has put a lot of work and effort into where she is today. Starting in 2008, Kristin began a seminar series teaching businesses about social media. In 2009, she started taking on clients for trainingFordCollage and consulting, and in 2010 she stepped up her role as the face of the newly created social media division. In this position, it’s her job to be front and center, to feel comfortable and confident in the spotlight. The birth of her son, Parker, brought on a complete body change for Ford, which she admits, was a huge challenge at first. Despite the physical body changes, she has emphasized the importance of one’s own perception. That it’s more about how you feel, than what you look like. That mental health is the key to physical health. “You have to accept the process. If not, you’re fighting against yourself-and that’s not beneficial to anyone”, says Ford. It’s a daily adjustment of acceptance for this new mother. Accepting the old, yet embracing the new. Although it took time, Kristin has adapted to these changes and has expressed to us that she won’t allow herself to give up. Kristin states, “When I look in the mirror, I just see average. But when I’m holding Parker and we are looking in the mirror laughing and smiling, I see myself as beautiful.”

She is a woman who has put all of her time and effort into raising Parker as well as continuing on with her career and although it is demanding, she is determined to find the balance between the two. Through the use of social media, Kristin has reached an equilibrium in her dual roles as mother and working woman and says that, “Thanks to technology, I’m now able to juggle being the working mom but still be able to see some of the milestones that are happening while I’m working”. For example, while at work, Kristin was able to see her son sit up for the first time via picture and video messaging, as well as through facetime. Kristin’s job with technology benefits her greatly with this aspect, and she wanted to stress to every woman out there that they can do the same thing! Being a wife, mother and business woman all rolled into one is no longer impossible or taboo. While social media has helped her to manage the business, it has also allowed her a means to share special moments with her family. She has even created a “Parker” Instagram to allow family and friends the opportunity to follow without missing a beat. Being ‘plugged in’ to various types of technology has allowed her to tackle it all, and may be a beneficial aid to others’ who find themselves struggling with trying to find a balance as well.

If you are looking to improve your business through the use of social media and smart phones, Kristin offers workshops, seminars and training on how to take advantage of todays technology. She will be hosting her next workshops during August and September, see below for more info!


Smartphone Event: August 13th in Lansdale

Tablet Event: August 26th in Lansdale

Social Media Plan: September 5th in Lansdale

Webinars: Multiple Dates



Facebook Webinar

Pinterest Webinar


Contact Infoimage003
Kristin Kane Ford
Director of Social Media
Kane Partners LLC
215.699.5500 x301



*This featured article was written by local resident and Montco Happening contributor Caroline Cahill. Feel free to leave some comments below and keep an eye out for more of her work this year!!!


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