Our brave soldiers overseas have given everything for us to enjoy the freedom that we so often take for granted. So it would only be fitting to make their homecoming as comfortable as possible! Well, that’s exactly what local Springfield resident Wendy Souders has planned for her son and the 100 hundred soldiers who serve by his side each day. With just a little bit of of our communities help, we can bring the simple comforts of home to their barracks in upstate NY  just in time for their arrival.

Wendy is the mother of a local soldier who has been deployed in Afghanistan for over seven months now. Her mission is to collect items for a care package that will greet all of the soldiers as they return from a long deployment in a country that seems like a world away from home. Wendy, along with the help from other military mom’s will be collecting items for their rooms so that they have what they need after a long flight. The mother’s will be making up the rooms in the barracks with new sheets, blankets, pillows, shampoo (ie; all the essentials of hygiene) water, snacks ect. It’s an inspiring mission to bring our soldiers and son’s the little things in life that make us feel most comfortable. Let’s help make this care package and homecoming a special one for our heroe’s returning home, see the flyer below for more details.

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More Info: The Green Dot Mom’s

After noticing that there were no relevant support groups for parents of soldiers overseas, Wendy decided to start her own site which now brings military mom’s together under one forum. The “Green Dot Mom’s” are now able to support each other through open communication…something that is a priceless comfort for the mother’s of son’s who are fighting for our freedom. What is a “Green Dot Mom” you might ask? The name was created in large part to Facebook as it signifies the relief and overall joy that these mother’s feel when they see that their son’s are online, which we all know is indicated by a green dot in the chat page. For most of us, we look to Facebook to see who’s online for social purposes, but for Wendy Souders and the Green Dot Mom’s, seeing that green dot means so much more than that, it means their son’s are safe.

All of the care packages that have been sent to the soldiers from his division have been marked with a Green Dot. This way they know exactly who and where the times are coming from. The mother’s always send enough supplies for 100, as they consider all of them to be their “boys”. Some of the first things sent were pillows so they had a soft place to lay their heads. Our community and the communities of the green dots have been so supportive of their mission and Wendy would like to personally thank everyone in the community of Springfield for their continued support and kindness.

What is a Green Dot Warrior? 

“Someone asked me today what a “Green-Dot Warrior” was, and I quickly replied “Oh it is just a group of mom’s whose son’s are deployed together in Afghanistan. We’re kind of like a support group. We have never met but we communicate on Facebook and we all rejoice when one of us has gets a “Green-Dot” signalling that our son is online. We share in this together, nourishing our souls together with just a simple “Green-Dot”. This simple “Green-Dot” lets us all know that our boys are ok and that nagging feeling in our souls quiets for a time. It is the first thing we reach for in the morning and the last thing we let go of at night. Tirelessly waiting for that beloved “Green-Dot” to replenish our soul for just one more day”.     ~Wendy Souders

If you would like more information you can contact Wendy at  #215-402-9263 or by email at, wsoudwar@aol.com.

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