The other day my brother and I had the itch to go play some roller hockey. You see, we played basically everyday for 8-10 years while growing up. As we’ve gotten older (just turned 28… Ugh), we haven’t played as much. This summer has changed all of that as we are back on the outdoor rink a few times each week. We usually play down in Warminster as a lot of the people we play roller hockey with live down that way. This day though we didn’t have a full game and we just wanted to mess around for a little while. The search was on…

Hatfield Summer Activities

Image Courtesy of Hatfield Township

There aren’t a lot of outdoor roller hockey rinks in Montgomery County, PA, or at least we thought. I figured I’d start my search on Google by searching the local community parks to see what they offer. Wouldn’t you know that right down the street from where I live there is a GREAT community park that offers an outdoor roller hockey rink, complete with nets and a fence! Now I will say, Hatfield Township should consider putting a better surface on the rink. It really chews up your wheels. With that said, if you’re looking for a place to go shoot around, Hatfield Community Park offers one of the few roller hockey rinks in our area.

While I was schooling my brother (he was up 2-0 before I mounted my comeback to win 3-2), I noticed that the park was packed! Mostly young mothers were there with their kids. All of the kids were having a blast, whether it was the group that was playing with wasps (mostly irritating the wasps so that they could attack my brother) or all of the people playing in the Hatfield pool, the Hatfield Community Park looks to have something for everyone. Some of the other attractions are as follows:

  • Baseball field
  • Four tennis courts
  • Playground
  • Picnic grove
  • Picnic tables and grills
  • Tot lot
  • Roller hockey court
  • Regulation size basketball court
  • Fenced dog park
  • Pavilion
  • Chestnut Street Trail Access

Whether you’re feeling a game of roller hockey or you simply want to have a picnic with your family, the 25.6-acre park that is Hatfield Community Park has what you need.

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