Although we don’t normally advocate looking outside of Montgomery County for leisure activities, let’s be realistic, people need a change of scenery every now and then.  As long time residents of the area, we have done years of research searching for the ideal places to visit within a reasonable driving distance from Montgomery County, PA.  Our definition of a “Day Trip” is one that allows you to leave your house at a sensible hour in the morning and return home in the early evening.  Also, the driving time needs to be short enough to allow one to spend enough time at the destination to make the ride worthwhile.

Below are summer day trip ideas from Montgomery County.  We encourage all readers to share their favorite day trip destinations by leaving a comment on this post below.  We plan to write a follow up article to this and would love to hear of other notable locations to include.

Point Pleasant – NJ:  Ok, I know the Philadelphia suburb crowd traditionally makes the long haul to the southern shore points in New Jersey (Wildwood, Ocean City, Avalon, Stone Harbor, Cape May, etc.)  It wasn’t until I lived near NYC for a few years that I discovered there actually are beaches in North/Central New Jersey. Who would have thought?!  Point Pleasant is a small, nice beach town located directly east of MontCo.  The town has everything you’d need for a day trip, including a well maintained beach, boardwalk, restaurants, bars and even fishing charters.  The best part; I personally have made it to Point Pleasant in just over an hour from Montgomery County.

Baltimore Aquarium – MD: Roughly 110 Miles (2 hours) from Norristown is the National Aquarium in Baltimore.  This first class aquarium was opened in 1981 and houses about 660 different species.  The layout of the building is quite creative and is designed to lead you through different types of eco-systems such as a kelp forest, Pacific coral reef, and tropical rain forest.  A great feature, especially for children, is the “4-D Immersion Theater.”  This theater displays a movie while incorporating sensory effects such as wind, mist, and scents.

Dorney Park & Wild Water Kingdom – Allentown, PA: Only 35 minutes away from the northern region of MontCo lies the famed Dorney Park & Wild Water Kingdom.  Tracing its routes back to the mid-1800’s, many MontCo residents forget they have a world class theme park so close by.  The park’s main attractions are its numerous roller coasters, some of which are considered top-tier within the country.  Also, the Wild Water Kingdom section provides a variety of water rides and pools making it a great place to visit on a hot summer day.

Skirmish (Paintballing) – Jim Thorpe, PA: Advertised as “The World’s Premier Paintball Facility,” take a look at the Skirmish website and you will see why.  From small team battles to the world’s largest and longest running paintball scenario game called “Invasion of Normandy,” there’s an assortment of matches to choose from.   For those who have never been paintballing, it’s a great time for anyone that seeks action and excitement.  Skirmish has any equipment you might need available on site, as well as special beginner level games.

Bucks County River Country – Point Pleasant, PA: Famous for its tubing, Bucks County River Country also offers canoeing, rafting, and kayaking on the Delaware River.  Within minutes of leaving Montgomery County, you can find yourself floating down the cool river, leaving all of your worries behind.  Visit their website for more information and to print out a special “Sunrise Early Bird” coupon. 

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