Alright, the title of this article may be a bit misleading.  This post is not actually about MontCo musicians, but in fact covers music in general and Philadelphia radio stations.  However, we are all about all things MontCo, and would love to spotlight any local musicians (if they are good 😉 ).  Please leave a message below or email us at with any recommendations of local/national musicians or specific songs.  Hopefully we can include them in our next article.

I listen to a wide variety of music, with my car radio programmed to the following presets:

104.5 LogoRadio 104.5 – Advertised as Philly’s Alternative station with “More music, less talk, ” I was a fan from the beginning.  With more playing time and less annoying DJ’s, 104.5 made a name for itself in Philly.  I especially liked the variety of 90’s alternative they featured.  My main complaint is it seems they have recently shifted away from guitar based alternative to this new keyboard, high-pitched male voice alternative.   This new style of music includes the group MGMT, whom I originally liked, but now feel ushered in a new style of annoying music as there are many sub-par copycats flooding the airwaves.

107.1 The Bone – This station actually broadcasts out of Lehigh Valley, so only those in the northern parts of MontCo may get reception.  With the slogan “The Valley’s real rock station”, I couldn’t agree more.  This station doesn’t hold back the hard stuff.  In fact, I would say The Bone makes 93.3 WMMR sound like easy listening.  What separates The Bone from the rest is their selection of newer metal bands such as Avenged Sevenfold and Five Finger Death Punch.

93.3 Logo93.3 WMMR – I couldn’t leave out Philly’s own WMMR – “Everything That Rocks”.  For the most part 93.3 does rock, although I feel they put too much focus on the big 80’s main-stream hits.  Also can’t forget about Preston and Steve.

102.9 MGK – Yes, we love classic rock too!  Outside of Pandora, I get my classic rock fix through 102.9 MGK – “Philadelphia’s Classic Rock.”  102.9 knows how to set a great playlist, and frequently throws in some of the lessor knowns.  This is great for a 30 year old like myself who is trying to discover great music from an era before my time.

The Hawk logo99.9 The Hawk – “The Valley’s Classic Hits Station” also hails out of the Lehigh Valley, so southern MontCo residents unfortunately may not be able to tune in.  Similar to 102.9, The Hawk not only has a cool name, but also does a great job in keeping the classics alive today.  From Zeppelin to Fleetwood,  you won’t feel the need to turn the dial often with this station.

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