SantaWe can’t believe we’re saying this either, but planning for the Holiday Season has already started!  While most are still snacking on candy from Halloween, businesses around the county are prepping their holiday decorations and figuring out Black Friday sale ideas.  Personally, I am big fan of the holidays and can’t get enough of them, so this is great news to me.

The holiday season in Montgomery County officially kicks off Friday, November 4th at the Montgomery Mall with the regions first visit from Santa.  The mall’s annual Santa Arrival Parade is set to begin at 6 p.m. outside of the Salsa’s Mexican Grill entrance where Santa will climb aboard a Montgomery Township Fire Department fire truck and ride around the mall’s perimeter. The parade will end at the LensCrafters mall entrance where Santa will enter the mall for an indoor parade and make his way to the North Pole set-up in the mall’s Elevator Court.   Santa will be available to visit and have photos taken with local families and children throughout the holiday season.

Other Santa-focused events happening at the mall include Breakfast with Santa and Pet Photo Nights with Santa. Breakfast with Santa will be held on Saturday, Dec. 3. Kidgits members can sign up for an exclusive opportunity to share the most important meal of the day with Santa. Tickets will be available on Nov. 4 and need to be reserved (tickets are free to Kidgits members) through Guest Services. Pet Photo Nights with Santa will be offered on Sunday, Nov. 20 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 11 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Community members are invited to bring their dogs and cats to the mall’s Elevator Court to be photographed with Santa.

This holiday season, the mall will be partnering with volunteers from the American Red Cross Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter. American Red Cross representatives will be on-hand for both Santa’s Arrival and Breakfast with Santa as part of their Holiday Mail for Heroes campaign. Mall shoppers can fill out holiday cards that will then be delivered to members of the military, nationally and internationally. To learn more about the program, visit the Red Cross website

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