The 5th Annual Towel Drive for the SPCA is here! Last year, the Towel Drive collected over 800 lbs of towels, accessories and monetary donations for our four legged friends in Montgomery County. With your help, the SPCA and Frame Shop in Conshohocken look to exceed that amount in what has been a cold start to 2014′. Please help donate your gently used towels, blankets and pet beds to help make the stay of shelter animals as comfortable as possible. The linens are used for lining the animal beds or for grooming. The Frame Shop is also accepting dog & cat toys, treats, collars and leashes, as well as monetary donations and Giant Supermarket gift cards. You can drop of your contributions at the Frame Shop, which is located in the Whitemarsh Plaza, on the corner of Ridge & Butler Pikes in Conshohocken. Contributions will be accepted through the month of March. All donations will be delivered to the local SPCA on Saturday March 29th, with their paw of approval.

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Contact: Carla Bates

The Frame Shop of Conshohocken


We Are Supported By:

BWPScientistsAP24 ROG Orthodontics- AccessPass

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