Montco Happening is proud to feature the work of Randi Rentz. The local teacher, resident, and breast cancer survivor has turned what was once an unimaginable diagnosis into a message of hope and strength for all of us to hear. We hope that you take the time to read her monthly articles for daily inspiration. Montco Happening would like to thank Randi for all the work that she does for cancer patients and families in and around our community. Swing by her website to learn more about her mission and to see first hand why she was voted BEST Blogger in Montgomery County in the Happening List 2015’!!!

Shining Moments and Gratitude
Written by Randi Rentz

During this holiday season, I’ve been thinking about how Shining Moments go hand-in-hand with gratitude.

GratitudeBoth look for (and find!) the positive in life. It’s the Half-full vs. Half-empty mentality. I love looking for Shining Moments and then feeling the gratitude for finding them.

My Shining Moment philosophy has taught me to not take things for granted. Quite the opposite, in fact. I find it so amazing, astounding actually, that when I am consciously grateful for the good and wonderful things in my life — the Shining Moments — I notice more and more things that I have to be grateful for. It is a magical ripple effect.

Randi Rentz

Randi Rentz

The most vivid (well, one of them) memory that I have from my treatment for breast cancer is when I was so sick that I couldn’t get the 10 feet from my bathroom to my bed. I was literally laying on the floor. Drooling. I thought (challenged, actually), “Ok, where the f-bomb is the f-bomb Shining Moment now?” The very moment that I wondered that, my dear sweet cats, Matisse and Paloma, came into the bathroom and laid down next to me. They both just sat with me. Where I was. That was a wing-dinger of a Shining Moment for which I still have deep and profound gratitude.

Even though I was in as awful a place as I could have ever imagined being, a Shining Moment presented itself and I had (and still have!) enormous amounts of gratitude. What I learned from that experience was that Shining Moments and gratitude can come in the darkest moments. They don’t in any way take away the pain or sadness (or nausea and vomiting), but they do provide perspective. And balance.

Seven years later, I’m happy — thrilled actually — to say that I still look for and find Shining Moments and the accompanying gratitude. This holiday season, I hope that you are able to do the same thing.


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