LIVESTRONG race philadelphia

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Are you running in the 5K next Saturday or are you biking in the 10, 20, 45, 70, or 100 mile bike ride around the Pennsylvania countryside? Perhaps you’re an overachiever and you’re going to do both…? Regardless of whether you’re walking, running, or biking in the LIVESTRONG Challenge Philly, you’re appreciated! You see, this LIVESTRONG event was designed to raise money to help fight cancer. Cancer is so prevalent in our society that it’s almost guaranteed that everyone reading this article knows someone who has been affected by cancer. Just writing the word “cancer” gives me the chills. Events like LIVESTRONG Challenge Philly can go a long way in raising money for cancer research and we commend everyone who plans to participate.

LIVESTRONG Challenge Philly is going on Saturday and Sunday, August 20th and 21st. On Saturday, August 20th runners and walkers will set off from Montgomery County Community College for a 5K or 10K run/walk. On Sunday, August 21st biking enthusiasts can choose from a multi-distance bike ride including 10-, 20-, 45-, 70- or 100-mile options all around Montgomery County, PA and its surrounding counties. Both events will be followed by a post-event party and health and wellness expo.

These LIVESTRONG Challenges take place across the country, but did you know that the Philadelphia course is the most difficult Team LIVESTRONG Challenge course with the weather usually hot and humid. This summer will be no different… It’s been wicked hot! Don’t fret as there will be Power Stops with food and hydration along with mechanical and medical support every 10-15 miles. These Power Stops are sponsored by local Montgomery County businesses. If you have any mechanical issues there will also be numerous Support and Gear vehicles along the course to help you out.

In 2010 5,700 participants raised over $3.4 million for the fight against cancer. To participate in the run/walk or bike ride you can register online for $50. Remember that your registration fee will go to helping raise cancer awareness. If you want to participate in both the run/walk and bike ride the registration fee is $75. Do you plan to run, walk, or bike in LIVESTRONG Challenge Philly? Let us know who you’re racing for by leaving a comment below.

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