holiday party ideasCan you believe that the holidays are here?! As we come-to from our Thanksgiving food coma, we realize we are already late in planning for Christmas activities! Unreal how fast time flies anymore… If only I’d listened to my parents when they told me just how fast time goes by as you get older.

If you’re like me and my friends, the holidays are great times for getting together and reminiscing about “when we were young” (key the Killers song). Andrew, myself, and some of our friends from the neighborhood always go to Peddler’s Village every year during the holiday season. We like to go from bar to bar while enjoying the holiday energy that surrounds Peddler’s Village. The other thing we love to do is have an annual ‘Ugly Christmas Sweater Party’. My buddy Tommy bought a house a few years ago, so he’s been hosting our annual get together lately. Tommy and I were talking the other day about this years party and it got me thinking, what other Holiday Party ideas might we take advantage of?

3 Christmas Party Ideas

  1. Christmas Drink Pot Luck – The holiday season provides a time when you can create some very tasty cocktails. Everyone is probably familiar with a traditional Pot Luck where each guest brings a different food to the party and everyone shares all of the food. Well, why not do a Christmas Drink Pot Luck whereby each guest brings the ingredients for their favorite holiday cocktail. Then you can create a bar filled with holiday cocktails from reindeer martinis to hot spiced apple cider. Mmmmm!
  2. White Elephant – White Elephant holiday parties are always a blast! Basically everyone brings a wrapped gift but doesn’t put a name on it. Everyone draws a number out of a hat, which is used for gift selection. Person #1 chooses a gift from the pile and opens it. Person #2 can choose to either steal Person #1’s gift (in which case, #1 selects a new gift), or to pick and open a gift of their own. Person #3 can either steal gift #1 or #2, or pick and open a new one . . .
  3. Ugly Sweater Party – as we mentioned above, this is our favorite holiday party idea. It’s easy. Everyone wears their ugliest holiday sweater to the party. It makes for great entertainment and PICTURES! You can even have a contest whereby the owner of the UGLIEST holiday sweater wins a prize.

What are some of your favorite holiday party ideas? Leave your comments below.

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