Gun Show Valley Forge PA

Image Courtesy of Valley Forge Gun Show

Ready, aim, FIRE. The Valley Forge Gun Show is back this September 16th, 17th & 18th in King of Prussia, PA. The gun show is always a well attended event in Montgomery County. People from all over Montgomery County, as well as, our surrounding counties come out for the Valley Forge Gun Show. 56,000 square feet of exhibitor space, which translates into 700 tables and dealers selling muzzle loaders to machine guns, is sure to attract a crowd. The gun show is sponsored by Valley Forge Gun Collectors Club.

What’s great about the Valley Forge Gun Show is that gun enthusiasts can buy and sell guns. During the gun show vendors will be offering free gun appraisals and cash will be paid for unwanted guns. Vendors will be selling rifles, shotguns, handguns, antique firearms, custom rifles, military surplus, hunting & fishing knives, gun books, gun parts, and much more.

As you can probably imagine, at a gun show, safety is a top priority. When attending the Valley Forge Gun show be prepared to have all firearms checked and rendered inoperable with a nylon strap at the door. There will also be no cameras or sound recording devices permitted inside the Valley Forge Convention Center, along with the standard no smoking and no pets.

Gun Show Philadelphia

Image Courtesy of Valley Forge Gun Show

The Valley Forge Gun Show is being held at the Valley Forge Convention Center located on 1160 First Avenue in King of Prussia, PA. Hours are as follows:

  • Friday 4PM to 9PM
  • Saturday 9AM to 5PM
  • Sunday 9AM to 4PM

Friday admissions cost $15, while Saturday & Sunday is $10. Children under 12 are admitted free with a parent. They are offering a 3 day admission pass for $25. If you bring a new stuffed teddy bear you will receive $1 off any admission. Teddy bears will be given to military families as their loved ones are deployed. There is FREE PARKING at the Convention Center. Persons between the ages of 12 and 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

“Promoting responsible firearms ownership.”

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