
It’s the time of the year when we are all able to put things into perspective. A time where we can usually slow down the speed of life to appreciate and give thanks for the things we have, and the things we don’t have. Much like you, there is an overwhelming amount of things that I am thankful for this year. Friends, family, my amazing new wife, our pets and my fairly good health are definitely some of the most important. However, I would be terribly dismissed if I didn’t give thanks to you, our happening readers. It’s because of our fans, followers and friends that Montco Happening exists….literally! Without your continuous support and contributions our digital lifestyle magazine would not be able to report on all the positive things happening in our area. You are what makes us 6Montgomery County so special, and we are honored to share that fact with thousands of local readers. It’s a blessing to live in an area where not just good but great things are happening each and every day, and that we have the platforms to put these events in front of you, our proud residents.

Our fan base, followers and readers, that is who Montco Happening magazine really is. It’s because of you that this job is the most fulfilling and meaningful position I’ve ever had, and will ever have! My wife and I are thankful for the staff that we have put together, but at the end of the day, we are just steering the “ship”. It’s your contributions to this area that make the engine of Montco Happening run. Without you participation to our digital magazine, without the likes, shares, retweets and comments, we would not be able to help tell the stories of so many deserving residents. After almost three years you have helped Montco Happening grow into a legitimate news source in our area and we will continue to grow as a tight knit community throughout the years to come.

As much as I would like to, it would be impossible to thank you all of our readers by name…. there’s so many of you!!! However, there are a few happening readers who consistently follow, share and like our articles on what seems like a daily basis. We wanted to personally thank the following fans for their never ending support of Montco Happening and for their enormous sense of hometown pride!

  • Joan White Hettel
  • Debi’s All About Cleaning Co.
  • Jane Carlin Brogan
  • Cindy Wellerthankyou
  • Candy Allebach
  • Karen Roundy
  • Diane Boksick Strohecker
  • Renae Cochran Gabel
  • Lauren Reilly
  • Marie Geller
  • Caitlin Domanico
  • D & D’s Unique Detailing
  • Julian Bremser
  • Debbie Ragusa
  • Kate Kolbe
  • Peggy Diehl

We would like to wish everyone in Montgomery County a great Thanksgiving!!! Sincerely and with much thanks;
J.C. Sager, Melissa Sager and the team at Montco Happening

We Are Supported By:

PlayfulPetsAP24 ROG Orthodontics- AccessPass AccentontherocksAP

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