Every so often we are presented with something that reminds us of just how good we have it, how lucky we really are. It inspires us to make the most out of life without taking anything for granted. This much needed reminder often comes in the form of a life experience, or perhaps something we saw that changed our perspective from that moment on. In other instances however, as in this one, that reminder comes from learning about the hardships of others. Montco Happening is honored to help share the story of a local family who has inspired so many with their courage, faith and strength. A family that was strong enough to fight through the worst of days in order to witness the miracles that followed. This is the story of one of the grandchildren and her family, Cameron and Dylan Holliday, and of course their baby son “Little Dylan”. We are sure that by taking a few minutes to read this you will find that same inspiration and thankfulness in your heart.

The McCarrick family members are long time residents of Plymouth Meeting. They include 9 kids, 20 grandkids and 2 great grandchildren. Their large Irish Catholic family attended Devon Prep, Archbishop Kennedy High School & Bishop Kenrick High School. In addition, they were long time members of Epiphany Lord Parish in Plymouth Meeting. As a family they have always tried to help and support others over the years, but now three of their own are in need of our communities support.


It has been a year or so of miracles for the McCarrick family, especially for Cameron and Dylan Holliday. This young couple has gone through aCam, Dylan, & Little Dylan at wedding roller coaster of emotions during that time, enduring more up’s and downs than most of us could dream of experiencing in a lifetime.  Cameron and Dylan Holliday first met in 2011 at the Coachella Music Festival in Palm Desert, California. At the time, Cameron was 23 years old traveling from Colorado while Dylan who was 26, made the trip all the way from Vancouver. The two were brought together from over 1,000 miles away so that they could share a moment in time that would soon change everything. That was the beginning of Dylan and Cameron’s life together, one that would bring a new miracle into the world. Three years after they first met the McCarrick family celebrated the birth of Dylan Levi Holliday, also known as “Little Dylan”, and then Cameron and Dylan’s wedding followed soon after. Sadly however, their young son Dylan was diagnosed with crainiosynostosis just a few weeks before the wedding. This rare birth condition occurs in 1 out of every 2,000 births and requires major corrective surgery.  As if that news wasn’t traumatic enough for the family, proud father Dylan was diagnosed with brain cancer shortly there after. A father and his son were now both in need of major surgeries both which would be performed  just a few short weeks after Cameron and Dylan’s wedding.

If you know how much Cameron and Dylan love each other, then you already know that the wedding went on as planned! After their marriage, both Dylan and his son went through duel brain surgeries, not even ten days apart. mom_&_baby_1st_post_surgery Thankfully, they were both given very promising news as the surgeries proved to be a success. Little Dylan will now heal and recover over time, while Dad continues his battle with chemotherapy over the next nine months. The family continues to battle each and every day, keeping a positive attitude and thanking all of their blessings of which they would say there are many! Since the surgeries, Cameron has taken a leave from nursing school so that she can be at home to care for her two boys!


The young husband and wife have gone through unimaginable trials in such a short period of time, yet their faith was never lost. If anything, it grew stronger with each passing day. Now they plan positively for their future despite the hardships that still lie ahead. The past year has taught them to live more deeply and in love with happiness. To live in the moment without ever taking life for granted. They are the perfect example of faith, hope and above all else, love. In admiration and support for Dylan, Cameron and Little Dylan, the entire family now takes every minute of life for what it is, a blessing. More than ever the family lives with the wisdom that life is short and that they should fill it with the power of love for each other. The McCarrick’s wanted to express how thankful they are for the outpour of kindness, support and donations. All of which will help this local family get through the coming months as they recover and prepare to rebuild their present lives and bright, limitless futures.


Thanks to the generosity of so many caring people the McCarrick’s will be raffling off some great items to help raise funds…

  • Flyers tickets
  • Eagles ticketsdaddy_&_baby_post_surgery
  • Chase Utley autographed baseball
  • Signed & numbered Phillies Canvas
  • 47 inch smart TV
  • Numerous other gift baskets & gift certificates

If you would like to attend the Beef & Beer fundraiser to help support the McCarrick family tickets are still available. The event will be held on November 30th from 7pm-11pm at St. Helena’s in Blue Bell. Donations are also being accepted to help with medical expenses as their journey to recovery continues. If you are interested in helping or would like more info, please email Colleen McCarrick directly at cmc52462@aol.com. Let’s help make this a great holiday for the McCarrick family by coming together as a community to help support some very special residents. After all, it’s what our county does best!
McCarrick Family Benefit Fund
c/o Colleen McCarrick Ciociola
199 Heffner Road
Limerick, PA 19468


See more pictures of the Holliday family below…


Cameron and Dylan post surgery


Dylan and “Little Dylan” post surgery


Dylan with Mimi (grandmom)


Dylan and grandpop


Some of the cousins at Cameron & Dylan’s wedding

Cam, Dylan, & Little Dylan at wedding

Dylan, Cameron and Little Dylan


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