Who’s on foursquare? Montco Happening is on foursquare. For those of you who don’t already know, foursquare is a mobile game that allows people to use their mobile phones to “check-in” at local retail outlets around town. For example, say you and your friends go to P.J. Whelihan’s Pub in Blue Bell, PA for a few drinks after work. You can whip out your iPhone, open your foursquare mobile application, find P.J. Whelihan’s and check in. Foursquare also allows you to add a network of friends, so each time you check-in at a location an alert goes out to all of your friends. This way if some of your buddies are around the corner at Reeds Restaurant and Nightclub and they see that you’ve checked-in at P.J.’s then they can swing by to meet up with you. Pretty cool, right?

Montgomery County PA foursquareFoursquare has only been around for less than 2 years but already there are millions of people using the new location-based mobile game. Besides the social aspect of foursquare, the other things that keep people checking-in around town are:

  • Check-ins earn points and you compete against your friends to see who can earn the most points
  • Check-ins on foursquare can lead to Mayorships. Yes, that’s right. You can become the Mayor of your favorite hangouts.
  • Businesses can offer foursquare specials to entice you to check-in. For example, Reeds might offer the Mayor a free beer. P.J. Whelihan’s might offer free famous fries to everyone who checks-in 4 or more times.

As you can see, if you’re not on foursquare you might be missing out on some serious savings opportunities at your favorite hot spots around Montgomery County, PA. Foursquare is definitely addicting. Once you start using foursquare you actually get frustrated when you leave a retail location and forget to check-in. It’s fun competing against friends for points and competing against everyone for Mayorships. If you’re on foursquare we hope you’ll connect with us. If you’re not on foursquare, WHY NOT?!! Get on there and start checking-in at your favorite Montgomery County businesses.

For those Montgomery County businesses looking to start using foursquare to run Specials, check out the free foursquare eBook that I wrote for my other business, Catalyst Marketers. The eBook is designed to help businesses who are just getting started using foursquare. It’s foursquare for beginners. There are a lot of great tips on how to use foursquare to promote your business. I hope you find it helpful. 

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