“No more pencils, no more books… School’s out for the summer!”

Summer Activities for Kids

Things to do in Montgomery County this Summer

Well, almost out… It’s the time of the year that all kids look forward to. The weather is great and kids have 3 months of fun in the sun to enjoy. As adults we wish we had 3 months of no worries to enjoy every year. Unfortunately, jobs don’t allow us to do so. I remember when I was a kid and was off from school for summer break. The first few weeks were amazingly fun. We found stuff to do everyday and on days when we couldn’t find anything to do, we just hung out and enjoyed not being in school. However, all of that changed a few weeks into the summer. Things start to get boring and I would be on the phone with my mom complaining that I’m bored, “there’s nothing to do around here Mom,”. Well, in order to help relieve parents’ stress of working a full-time job and trying to come up with fun ideas for summer activities, we wanted to provide parents with a few fun summer activities that their kids can enjoy right here in Montgomery County, PA.

Visit Parks in Montgomery County

Do your kids enjoy outdoor activities? Visiting local parks can be a lot of fun for teenagers. Montgomery County has a lot of parks, so no matter where you live, there is sure to be a great park nearby that your children and their friends can visit. Remember to remind your kids that they should bring things like sunscreen, drinks, and even snacks to the park. It’s always good to be prepared and if they pack their lunch they can save money. Visiting parks in Montgomery County can be an extremely cost effective summer activity. Here’s a list of a few great parks in Montgomery County, PA:

  • Graeme Park in Hatboro, PA
  • Evansburg State Park
  • Valley Forge National Historical Park

Summer Camps in Montgomery County

Another great option for keeping your kids busy during the summer is summer camp. There are numerous summer camps in Montgomery County. Although summer camp isn’t free, it can offer kids entertainment, fitness training, educational activities, and much more. Summer camp is perfect for young kids, as well as, teenagers. If you’re looking for a great daily activity for your children then summer camp in Montgomery County, PA might be something that you look into. Here are a few great local summer camps:

  • Camp America in Chalfont, PA
  • Summer Camp at the YMCA – Almost all YMCA’s in Montgomery County offer summer camp
  • ESF Summer Camps in Bryn Mawr, PA

Kids Can Start a Summer Business in Montgomery County

Do your children often complain about not having money to do anything during the summer? When I was growing up my allowance didn’t cover all of the baseball cards that I wanted to buy, let alone my trips to Sports Land. If money is getting in the way of summer fun then a great summer activity for your kids is starting a business. There are a number of great businesses that your kids can start. Not only will they have the opportunity to make money, but they will learn many great skills. Starting a business can help kids learn how to manage money, interact with customers, understand how to operate a business, etc. Here are a few business ideas that your kids might want to look into (be sure to check if there are any regulations in your area for operating a small business):

  • Lawn care – Trim shrubs, cut grass, and help maintain gardens in your neighborhood
  • Sell old items at yard sales or local flea markets in Montgomery County – I used to sell my sports cards at the corner of my street while I was growing up
  • Pool cleaning

Volunteering in Montgomery County

Supporting the local community by volunteering at an organization that you believe in is what helps keep Montgomery County great. These days more and more kids are taking time to volunteer at different organizations around their area. It’s important that our young people help support the community. Kids can learn a lot about helping others and supporting local by volunteering at a great organization in Montgomery County, PA. If your kids are interested in volunteering a few days a week, here is a list of some great non-profit organizations in Montgomery County:

  • Elmwood Park Zoo in Norristown, PA
  • Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County, PA
  • Montgomery County SPCA

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